
Double Exit

Real World Reads – Capital Structure Decisions

Funding a business with an appropriate capital structure is a crucial part of any company’s financial management. Funding requirements for a business can vary from day to day operations to capital expenditure and new business acquisitions. The variety of sources of finance with respect to term (e.g. short, medium, and long) and type of finance (e.g. […]

Back to School!

September marks the beginning of the academic cycle once more and with it starts the process of new timetables, book collections and lectures! Whether you are a new CAI student or returning for another year, it is important to get a good start to the academic year. There have been many examples of students who […]

CAP1/CAP2 Mocks Study Plans

As we are now three weeks into 2016 the focus for the majority of CAP1/2 students will firmly be on the various CAs taking place. However, it is also important that students take a step back and assess where their overall study plan is. Once the CAs are over the next big hurdle for students […]

NPV & IRR – Using MS Excel

Two important concepts that will be taught in any corporate finance module will be Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Both are investment appraisal techniques that are used to assess investment opportunities by businesses. Understanding both, and the relationship between them, is crucial for any finance student. To do this, students should […]